Lent & Easter

Join us as we journey through the Lenten and Easter seasons. Experience the warmth of St. Alban's diverse community—from children to adults—and discover how you, your friends, and your family might find a spiritual home and connection with us. We welcome you to be part of this sacred time together.

Easter Sunday

| April 20, 2025

6:00 am | Sunrise Holy Eucharist

8:00 am | Holy Eucharist

10:00 am | Holy Eucharist

Children/Youth participation!

11:30 am |

Community Easter Egg Hunt

Weekly Lenten Encounters

Now, through Holy Week

Wednesdays at 5:30 pm

| Contemplative Service

A quiet midweek service offering space for prayer and reflection during our Lenten journey. Experience moments of peace and renewal in our sacred space.

Fridays at 5:30 pm

| Stations of the Cross

Walk Christ's path to Calvary through our desert landscape. Meet at the west end of parking lot. Please wear sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate clothing for this outdoor devotion.

Holy Week Gatherings

April 13 - April 20, 2025

April 13

| Palm Sunday

8:00 am & 10:00 am

Join us for a joyful celebration as we commemorate Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Services begin with the Liturgy of Palms procession from the parking lot. Children are encouraged to participate in this meaningful tradition.

April 17

| Maundy Thursday

5:30 pm

Join us for a moving Holy Eucharist service as we remember the Last Supper. This service will include optional hand or foot washing as we commemorate Christ's example of humble service.

April 18

| Good Friday

12:00 pm | Stations in Nave

5:30 pm | Stations on Grounds

Join us for a solemn service of prayer and reflection as we observe Christ's crucifixion.

April 20

| Easter Sunrise

6:00 am

Join us at dawn for an outdoor Eucharist in the St. Alban’s courtyard, celebrating the risen Christ with the first light of Easter morning.

April 20

| Easter Sunday

Join us for our joyous services of music, Word, and Sacrament celebrating Christ’s triumphant resurrection!

8:00 am | Holy Eucharist

10:00 am | Holy Eucharist

11:30 am

| Community Easter Egg Hunt

Friends and neighbors welcome!

Weekly Services

Every Sunday

8:00 am

10:00 am

Holy Eucharist, Rite II

*Nursery, Sunday School, & Live-stream at 10:00

Services are Live-streamed on Facebook

Every Wednesday

Past Services? Watch Here

10:00 am

Holy Eucharist, Rite II,
with Prayers for Healing