What’s Happening
Around the Parish
Remembering in Prayer This Week
Pam; Ed; Mike; Rob; Laura; Thelma; McKenna
& Notes
Preschool Registration: Now enrolling for next school year and summer camp! Register via email (albanspk@stalbansaz.org) or phone (520-296-2043).
Lenten Offerings:
Wednesdays through April 16: Evening Prayer and Taizé services, 5:30-6:00 pm.
Fridays through April 18: Stations of the Cross on our desert property, 5:30-6:00 pm (south side of parking lot).
Sundays through April 6: Lenten book study on "Invite Welcome Connect" after both services in Room 10/Library (9:10-9:50 am and 11:10-11:50 am).
Holy Week & Easter:
Palm Sunday (April 13): Passion Gospel readers are needed for both services. Contact Jim Franks: albanseducation@stalbansaz.org
Easter Flowers: Envelopes available in pew pockets. Submit by April 13 with the donor name and memorial.
Special Events:
April 6, 3:30 pm: Sonoran Bells 25th Celebration Concert at Christ Community Church (530 S Pantano Rd). $15 suggested donation.
April 11, 4:30 pm: Blessing of the Animals
Baptism and Confirmation: Contact the office (albansinfo@stalbansaz.org) to arrange a meeting with Mtr. Lainie.
Holy Week Schedule:
April 13: Palm Sunday, 8:00 am & 10:00 am
April 17: Maundy Thursday, 5:30 pm
April 18: Good Friday, Noon
April 20: Easter Sunday, 6:00 am Sunrise, 8:00 am & 10:00 am