Going Solar: Harvesting God’s Bountiful Gifts
Among the many blessings we receive every day, St Alban’s benefits from an abundance of sunshine. While some might say we have an over-abundance in July and August, what if we could harvest the sun’s energy to provide us with electricity year-round?
The Vestry considered multiple alternatives, carefully weighing the long-term benefits of solar against the up-front investment requirements and the project was completed in 2020. TEP pays St. Alban’s for the power we generate at the same rate that we pay TEP for the power we consume, thus our electric bills will be greatly reduced under this plan. It's a sound investment, and a commitment to the long-term health and vitality of our parish.
From our prayer book, we give thanks to God for seasonable weather and for an abundance of the fruits of the earth, we give thanks for the good earth which God has given us and for the wisdom and will to conserve it, and we pray for the just and proper use of God’s creation. With the installation of our solar electric system, we have been able to harvest a small portion of God’s abundance while conserving our natural resources for future generations.