Meet Our

Dedicated Clergy & Church Staff

The Rev. Lainie Allen


Mother Lainie was ordained in the Diocese of Texas (formerly Ft. Worth) and will be joining us from the Diocese of Oregon where she served simultaneously as Rector at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Eugene and Chaplain of the Episcopal Campus Ministry at the University of Oregon. Mother Lainie holds graduate degrees from Point Loma University (M.Ed) and Southern Methodist University (M.Div.). She is certified in Spiritual Direction and Faith Formation and finds contemplative practices crucial for sustaining her faith journey. 

Mother Lainie is a native of Arizona and spent 20+ years in the state before doing pastoral ministry in locations across the United States. She has experience with a wide berth of theological perspectives and groups of people. Her approach to spiritual leadership is informed by this background, as well as her experience as a pastor and Board Certified Chaplain (hospice, hospital, and university). Mother Lainie is passionate about the dignity and worth of every human being and strives to help others discover and live into the fullness of God's love and calling. 

​Lainie+ and her husband, Daniel, have been married 43 years. They have two adult daughters, a son-in-law, and three grandsons; all living in Portland, Oregon. Lainie+ nurtures her soul through time with family and friends, hiking and biking, music, films, books, and good wine. In this next season of life, she might even take up Flamenco dancing

The Rev. William Forrest

Associate Rector

Father Bill was born and raised in Barrington, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. He graduated from Bridgewater College in Virginia in 1968 and joined Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) from 1968 to 1969. In 1972, he earned a degree from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and was ordained to the diaconate. The following year, he was ordained to the priesthood. He has served parishes in various states, including Arizona (St. Alban's Wickenburg), Wyoming, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. He retired in 2005. Father Bill also enjoys playing English, Irish, and Scottish folk music on his guitar. His wife, Julia, served as the office manager for the Diocese of Arizona from 1992 to 2005. Together, they have four children and five grandchildren.

Mother Deby Adinolfi

Affiliate Priest

Deby’s faith is founded in her daily prayer life, with a centering in her oblate vows in the Order of Julian of Norwich (an Episcopal order) and a deep interest in Celtic spirituality.  As a priest, Deby incorporates this spirituality into everything she does, focusing on God’s redeeming love in our lives.

Deby is currently affiliated here at St. Alban’s, lending her talents and hands as needed.  Deby has served as an Assistant Rector for a program/corporate-sized parish in the Phoenix-Metro area, as well as the Rector of a transitional-sized parish in the Atlanta-Metro area.  Deby is currently utilizing her priestly ministry, as well as her paralegal skills, in working as a Sr. Program Manager/Tribal Liaison for Wireless Policy Group.  In this position, she has the unique opportunity to act as a cultural bridge between “corporate America” and our Native American tribes in various regions of the U.S.

Deby is a 2012 graduate of the University of Cambridge and received her seminarian training at Westcott House Theological College in Cambridge, England.

Deby’s hobbies include photography, knitting, and baking, but not necessarily in that order!  She enjoys being outdoors, hiking or walking, while seeing all that God’s creation has to offer.

The Rev. David Powell


I am the Rev. David Powell, newly ordained in the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, serving as Deacon at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Tucson. My journey of discernment is a lifelong commitment to exploring God’s call to ministry, guided by my baptismal vows to reflect Christ in all that I do. As Matthew 20:28 reminds us, “the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve,” and I seek to use my gifts in service to Christ and the world.

My ministry is deeply rooted in the Eucharist—preparing the table, leading prayer, and serving communion—while extending beyond the church walls into pastoral care. Visiting hospitals and hospices, offering companionship, advocating for healthcare needs, and reminding others of Christ’s presence in times of distress are central to my calling.

As we grow UPWARD in worship, we are formed INWARD in faith, and as we move OUTWARD, we embody Christ’s love through hospitality, service, and the proclamation of the Gospel. These movements trace the sign of the CROSS, reflecting the mission of Christ in the world.

This is the way of love, as Christ demonstrated to us on the cross.  I pray our paths will meet on this journey as together we may share in the hope of eternity with God.

"But I do not count my life of any value to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the good news of God’s grace." — Acts 20:24

The Rev. Daniel Wilmoth


The Reverend Deacon Dan Wilmoth attended the University of Arizona graduating with a BS in Agronomy. He received an MS degree in Industry and Technology from Texas A&M. 

His career in the USAF spanned 30 years of service before retiring as a Colonel. Assignments included: Nuclear Munitions Maintenance Officer, B-52 Radar Navigator, Single Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP) planner, Assistant Director of Operations for 13th Air Force, Combined Forces Air Component Commander, and Principal Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters.

 After retirement from the Air Force, he continued civilian employment in the office of the Secretary of Defense completing 47 years of service in the Defense Department.  

He was ordained February 2013 and served the  Episcopal Diocese of Virginia as Chairman of the Diocese of Virginia Disaster Preparedness and Response Ministry Team.  His service to residents of Goodwin House, Bailey’s Crossroads (GHBC) is also recognized.

He is passionate for his family and his Lord.  He and wife, Mary, will celebrate their 44th wedding anniversary this coming October.  They have three children (Melissa 40, Timothy 30, and Kathryne 28).  He enjoys reading, good conversation, and attendance at air shows. He collects art illustrating aircraft.

Mother Mary White

Affiliate Priest

The Rev. Glenda Empsall


On October 19, 2014, Glenda was ordained to the Diaconate by The Rt. Rev. James E. Waggoner, Jr., 8th Bishop of the Diocese of Spokane. Her ordination followed a lengthy period of dedicated discernment, local study, and online classes through Church Divinity School of the Pacific.

Glenda currently serves as Deacon at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Coeur d'Alene, ID, and is also licensed to serve as a Deacon in the Diocese of AZ. She is excited and honored to be part of the outstanding worship team at St. Alban's.

Glenda moved to Tucson from Big Spring, TX, with her parents in 1961. She graduated from Rincon High School, earned a BS in Geosciences (’76) and MS in Management Information Systems (’83) from the University of AZ. While working as an exploration geologist for a Tucson-based mining company, she met her husband, John (aka Empsall), also a geologist. They were married at Grace (St. Paul) Episcopal Church in Tucson in 1978 by a friend and fellow geologist, The Rev. Joan P. Grimm, who was an Associate Priest at Grace.

Glenda and John enjoy dividing their time between Coeur d’Alene (late spring, summer, early autumn) and Tucson (late autumn, winter, early spring). They have two sons, two daughters-in-law, three grandchildren, a large grand dog, and an over-fluffy grand cat. Over the past 46+ years, they have lived in many interesting places, and Glenda has explored several challenging careers. Her most cherished titles thus far are Deacon and Nana.

Our Parish Staff

Isaac Hamilton

Shannon Casey
Handbell Choir Director

Kristen Flocco
Parish Administrator
and Bookkeeper

Scott Jones

Interim Director of Music and Organist

Colleen Fabel Epstein
Director of Preschool

Sonny Bertschinger
Interim Website Administrator

Karl Trader
Administrative Assistant
and Registrar

Many thanks and best wishes to our Interim Rector!

The Rev. Dr. Richard Mallory,

Thank you for going before us,

following along behind us,

walking this journey with us

and always holding us up in your prayers.

September 15, 2024

Dr. Stephen Keyl

Retired July 31, 2024

Director of Music, Organist, Publications and Coordinator of the Church’s Concert Series

Special Thanks to Dr. Stephen Keyl for his 29 years of devoted service to St. Alban's Episcopal Church

You may email Steve at

St. Alban’s Vestry, 2024

Each parish in the Arizona Diocese has clergy and a vestry of lay people.

The rector of a church reports to the vestry and the diocese.

The rector and the vestry work together to run the church. 

Standing: Bill Barlow - Class of 2027 | Father Richard Mallory - Interim Rector | Tom Hines - Class of 2025 | David Baker - Class of 2025 | Bob Gallerani - Junior Warden | Ed Morton - Treasurer | Randy Trimble - Class of 2026 | John Munger - Class of 2025 | Creston King - Senior Warden.

Seated:  Lynette Patton - Class of 2026 | Jessica Field - Class of 2027 | Laura Kemp - Class of 2026 | Dottie Lewis - Class of 2027