Our Rector Search has been successfully concluded!

A note from our Senior Warden Creston King…
On behalf of the Vestry, I am pleased to announce that we have called a new Rector!

We discerned, and Bishop Jennifer confirmed, that God has called The Reverend Lainie Allen+ to be our new Rector; and Mother Lainie+ accepted the call. Her first day in the office was October 9 and her first Sunday was October 13.


The Reverend Lainie Allen and her husband Daniel

Mother Lainie was ordained in the Diocese of Texas (formerly Ft. Worth) and joined us from the Diocese of Oregon where she served simultaneously as Rector at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Eugene and Chaplain of the Episcopal Campus Ministry at the University of Oregon. Mother Lainie holds graduate degrees from Point Loma University (M.Ed) and Southern Methodist University (M.Div.). She is certified in Spiritual Direction and Faith Formation and finds contemplative practices crucial for sustaining her faith journey. 

Mother Lainie is a native of Arizona and spent 20+ years in the state before doing pastoral ministry in locations across the United States. She has experience with a wide berth of theological perspectives and groups of people. Her approach to spiritual leadership is informed by this background, as well as her experience as a pastor and Board Certified Chaplain (hospice, hospital, and university). Mother Lainie is passionate about the dignity and worth of every human being and strives to help others discover and live into the fullness of God's love and calling. 

​Lainie+ and her husband, Daniel, have been married 43 years. They have two adult daughters, a son-in-law, and three grandsons; all living in Portland, Oregon. Lainie+ nurtures her soul through time with family and friends, hiking and biking, music, films, books, and good wine. In this next season of life, she might even take up Flamenco dancing 😀!

Our Parish Profile is now off line and being repurposed.

Interested in transitioning to Arizona? Feel Free to Contact:

The Rev. Canon Anita Braden,
Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Arizona
114 West Roosevelt - Phoenix, Arizona 85003

anita@azdiocese.org - (602) 254-0976

Search Committee Members

Bob Swift, Chair
Tammy McHugh, Co-Chair
Sonny Bertschinger
Jim Franks
Wallace Kleindienst
Barbara Toohey